We strive to provide our members balanced play in a league format. DUPR ratings and performance statistics are used to place players on teams within divisions based on skill levels. Our goal is to be inclusive and to create an environment where all players believe they have a chance to win every time they step on the court for a league game.

Playing pickleball is more FUN when teams are matched by ability level!


Almost 1000 Villages residents have signed up to participate in The Villages Competitive Pickleball Club as of April 2024 The enthusiasm behind this league has been generated by the club’s use of the Dynamic Universal Rating System (DUPR). Developed by Steve Kuhn and Michael Forzley, the DUPR rating system uses a statistical algorithm to assign a numerical rating to each player’s ability level. It is “universal” in that the system provides a fair and objective rating to players of all ages, genders and geographic locations. It is the same rating system that has been adopted by Major League Pickleball.

“The goal of our new club is inclusion and parity,” said commissioner Tony Carabello.